I still feel like I'm on holidays...having classes only twice in a week is FUN but makes me turn into a very very lazy bum! No urge to study, just feel like relaxing all night long :D And with most of my friends on holidays, all the more meeting them is an excuse to bum even more!
Last weekend, day trip to Malacca!
Went all the way for this...
and this!!!
What Malacca is famous for... FOOD! :D
Was supposed to grab the also famous 'satay celup' for dinner but we were too stuffed from all the food we ate (we basically ate every half and hour!) . And we couldn't find the place :( :( :(
Stupid google maps so unreliable BOOHOO! Too bad we didn't have any GPS that would be perfect for a roadtrip!
Our happy happy faces! Food makes everybody happy! :D
We pretended we were tourist and walked around all the historical sites (cos seriously, there's nothing much to do in Malacca besides eating!). Also checked out their 'latest' shopping mall...I was expecting it to be like OneU or MidValley but oh no, its so boring with such boring shops! Haha we KL-ites are seriously spoilt!
To be a 'tourist' of course must take some pictures right? ;)
And pose with the stairs! HAHA
At the fort.
Spot the Eye of Malacca in the background!!
Great trip, great food especially! :D
The next day, the same dear friend of mine was so nice and invited me to a Jap Buffet over at Xenri nearby OUG :)
Stuffed myself with sushi..
I don't eat raw salmon and oysters which is such a waste i know not having them when you're having jap buffet since its one of the most expensive stuff on the menu..so I made it up with having more unagi and tempura. I think I ate one month's worth of unagi and tempura that day! HAHA
Happy happy me! :D
With my girlies and our girly time :)
The ambience of the place was awesome...I was really impressed with the interior designing when I walked in cos the place lookes quite plain from the outside. They separate each dining place so its quite private. Great for meetups and those special dates ;)
23rd July, Friday
Ms. Sharon's boy's birthday luncheon over @ the Apartment, Curve.
I only know half of the people in this picture. HAHA. :P
An application on my BB today (the berryFinder) gave me a big problem today!! I restarted my phone not knowing I have activated the app which I forgot the password =x
Had to rush to the Maxis centre in the Gardens to fix it. They took AGES but at least, they got it fixed. I was so worried they're gonna say like.. 'I'm sorry miss there's no way we can fix it'.
Thank God! :D
The rush to tha Maxis centre did bring something good out of it though! Finally got a new pair of shoes for the gym since the old one isn't giving me the support i need. Yay! New shoes! :D
Makes me wanna put in more gym time! LOL
Okay i shall stop ranting for now.