Monday, September 7, 2009

Pizza anyone?

It's 1.35am now and I still feel stuffed from dinner!

I'm blogging now in hopes of letting my tummy digests before i go to bed. Going to bed with a full stomach is just awful :S

Had dinner with the oldies over at Dave's @ One U for a 'surprise' birthday dinner for a friend.
Every restaurant was full cos it was 'buka puasa' time when we got there so we had to settle for this non-halal italian restaurant which served mainly pizzas and pastas. (well, obviously italian food keke)

Smoked Salami thin crust pizaaaa!

And boyyyy was it goooodddddddd!!!!!!!!!! *slurp slurp*

Although prices are slightly steep, the portion is generous so sharing of dishes is recommended. This pizza serves at least 4-5 ppl or 2-3 ppl if you're a big eater. Its lonnngggg and hugggeeeee!!!

I was totally shocked when it came. I thought it would be big..but not THIS big! XD

And we ordered TWO somemore not knowing it would come out to be soo huge. Hahaha. I think that explains why i feel like a stuffed pig now XD The pastas are really yummy too..big portions as well with generous amounts of sauce and filling. Ah, that HUGE pizza only costs rm50++ and if you share it among 4 people it comes up to about rm10+ each??? I think its pretty reasonable for authentic italian pizza! :D

Bought the SunMoulin Strawberry Cake for the birthday boysss.

I know this picture looks dodgy, but trust me the cake was really good! Fresh, huge, juicy strawberries!!!!! Ahhhhh! :D

I was surprised by the turnout. I thought it would be a small affair. Haha.

Ian always wanting to be in the picture *cough uninvited cough* ...AS USUAL... XD

So we had to take another one :)

Not much pictures for the night. This group of people don't like to cam whore. HAHA. They've grown past that stage I guess :P

But oh boy I've not passed that stage yet.. LOL


Wellll this is my only 'happening' event of the week. Hahaha been home the whole 2 days TRYING to study but my bed tempts me 90% of the time :(

Fail fail fail. Sigh sigh sigh. How I miss the holidays where you can bum, eat, sleep and not feel guilty! XD

Crap...its been 30 mins and I still feel the same...stuffed! Dammittttt.


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