Thursday, December 2, 2010

Guess who's coming back

I am getting a new camera soon :D

And THEN i will start blogging again :P

2011 will be a new blog year for me! hehehehe

Stay tuned till then ;)


Thursday, September 2, 2010


This blog is dead boo!

Ultimate FAIL.COM


Friday, July 23, 2010

What's happening lately

I felt like updating so here I am :D

I still feel like I'm on holidays...having classes only twice in a week is FUN but makes me turn into a very very lazy bum! No urge to study, just feel like relaxing all night long :D And with most of my friends on holidays, all the more meeting them is an excuse to bum even more!

Last weekend, day trip to Malacca!

Went all the way for this...


chicken rice balls

and this!!!


What Malacca is famous for... FOOD! :D

Was supposed to grab the also famous 'satay celup' for dinner but we were too stuffed from all the food we ate (we basically ate every half and hour!) . And we couldn't find the place :( :( :(
Stupid google maps so unreliable BOOHOO! Too bad we didn't have any GPS that would be perfect for a roadtrip!

Our happy happy faces! Food makes everybody happy! :D

We pretended we were tourist and walked around all the historical sites (cos seriously, there's nothing much to do in Malacca besides eating!). Also checked out their 'latest' shopping mall...I was expecting it to be like OneU or MidValley but oh no, its so boring with such boring shops! Haha we KL-ites are seriously spoilt!

To be a 'tourist' of course must take some pictures right? ;)

And pose with the stairs! HAHA

At the fort.

Spot the Eye of Malacca in the background!!

Great trip, great food especially! :D

The next day, the same dear friend of mine was so nice and invited me to a Jap Buffet over at Xenri nearby OUG :)

Stuffed myself with sushi..

Jellyfish and octupus..

and unlimited unagi and tempura!!! Ahhh!!!!

I don't eat raw salmon and oysters which is such a waste i know not having them when you're having jap buffet since its one of the most expensive stuff on the I made it up with having more unagi and tempura. I think I ate one month's worth of unagi and tempura that day! HAHA

Happy happy me! :D

With my girlies and our girly time :)

The ambience of the place was awesome...I was really impressed with the interior designing when I walked in cos the place lookes quite plain from the outside. They separate each dining place so its quite private. Great for meetups and those special dates ;)

23rd July, Friday

Ms. Sharon's boy's birthday luncheon over @ the Apartment, Curve.

I only know half of the people in this picture. HAHA. :P

An application on my BB today (the berryFinder) gave me a big problem today!! I restarted my phone not knowing I have activated the app which I forgot the password =x

Had to rush to the Maxis centre in the Gardens to fix it. They took AGES but at least, they got it fixed. I was so worried they're gonna say like.. 'I'm sorry miss there's no way we can fix it'.
Thank God! :D

The rush to tha Maxis centre did bring something good out of it though! Finally got a new pair of shoes for the gym since the old one isn't giving me the support i need. Yay! New shoes! :D
Makes me wanna put in more gym time! LOL

Okay i shall stop ranting for now.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Poor blog abandoned

I have completely abandoned my blog altogether.

Last post was on the 30th June last month..its been almost 3 weeks since I've blogged heh!

This week has been crazy!! Work and leisure both kept me very busy hehe!

A friend was craving for some authentic Malacca cendol so we made a day trip down just to satisfy her cravings and at the same time visit famous places in Malacca and Jonkers Street! Today had Jap buffet lunch over @ Xenri in Kuchai Lama..pretty good food at RM49++ per pax. Unlimited salmon, sushis, tempuras and unagis for you to savour..boy did i enjoy the food! :D

Had an event job over at Lanai Kijang on Thursdays and Fridays with briefings in between! And classes throughout the week!

Haven't been this busy for some time now..feels quite funny to be busy!

Have some pictures in the crappy camera which I'm lazy to edit so that shall wait! Have uploaded some on FB which i took through the BB altho it doesnt take the most amazing pictures so that shall suffice for now :P

Okay this post is getting boring. Pictures soon when I'm in the mood. lalalala ~~~


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Footie Mania

Everyone's into football these past few weeks since the World Cup started, even those who NEVER watched football trying VERY hard to fit in which i think is very pathetic =.=

*tsk like my sis tsk*

Yes, she's been watching alot of football lately, sometimes even going to the extreme of walking to Mcds by herself to catch the match, can you believe it! =.=

For me, I ain't that bothered, watching only when my brother or boyfriend watches it :P
I'm just interested in the final score and the highlights of the game, so I do check on my blackberry once in a while.

There goes my brother just saying that Japan just lost to penalties against Paraguay. Crap! I was hoping Japan would be the only Asian team to get through to the quarter-finals and make Asia proud. Cheh!

Portugal vs. Spain tonight. A very interesting match it will be but I'm not bothered to stay up to watch..I shall just find out the score tomorrow morning :D

To add to the worldcup spirit, my youth group at church organised a theme night in conjunction with the world cup. See how much football influences people!! :O

They baked and decorated the cupcakes with the flags of the countries involved...

With many mascot 'Zakumis' (I had to google this!!) to be given away (so depressed I couldn't win one pfft!)


I just thank God there weren't any vuvuzelas!


Monday, June 21, 2010

A long overdue post!

I'm contemplating abandoning my blog just takes too much time to update and I've been feeling so lazy lately with the holidays around, I always feel so preoccupied! And with my BB, I can take photos and update them instantly on FB so I don't see the need to whip out my crap camera anymore. Haha! Hence, the very long absence :P

I almost forgot about these pictures i took with my camera. I'm at home on a Monday feeling the monday blues (this time its not about stress but about absolute boredom!) so i thought I should update my blog :)

Pictures from a wedding I attended about 3 weeks ago over @ Sheraton KL.

It was something out of the ordinary Chinese wedding we usually get..this time it was a mixture of Fusion with Korean elements since the bride was a Korean.

They had all sorts of flowers...roses, lilies, name it, they have it! My mum was telling me the flowers alone cost about 10k. I was like OMG !! :O Apparently it's imported hence the very heavy price tag! :S

But it was seriously pretty!!

We were welcomed to our seats with a bottle of home-made marmalade and chocolates :)

I was so excited when I saw the menu for the night!!! Not your ordinary conventional Chinese food :D

For starters...honestly speaking, I didn't know exactly what they were until I read the menu but I licked them off clean. Hahaha it was good!! :D

Pumpkin soup !

Pei Pa chicken

This dish was pathetic but nevertheless yummy! I finished that salmon in a bite. The plate was huge but the portion was =.=

Escargots!!! This was also very pathetic..the menu said a 'BED' of crispy spinach but I only had ONE leaf =.= (I'm not exagerrating!!)

Stir fried Beef...its tiny I even had my mum's portion since she doesn't eat beef :P

By the time this came i was kinda stuffed already (the food took quite some time to come since they had to prepare and serve each person individually) so you know the theory where they say your brain takes 30mins to register that you're full? I think it's quite true! Haha.

I think this was the highlight of the night!!!!!

Red Velvet cake with White Choc icecream!!!! Ahh!!

I was stuffed by the time dessert was served but it was too good to resist I polished it clean!! They have this at Just Heavenly (outlets in Jaya One and BSC) but they sell it in cupcakes instead of a cake itself. Its real good all the more if you love cream cheese! As for me, I picked out the cream cheese at the top and just had the cake since i'm not a fan of cream cheese.

Good food, good night! :D

My mum and I.


14th June 2010 - The day I turned 22.

I think I'm so old already sighhh. They say that once you hit 20, your ages just passes by you in a jiffy :(

Didn't do anything exceptionally special.. just dinner with Ken dearie at Ampang Lookout Point!! :D

The view was beautiful!! Too bad my crap camera couldn't capture nice shots =.= it mostly came out all blurry :(

They were people armed with DSLRs heading up there just to take pictures. I bet their pictures will turn out nice hmph!

He didn't wanna tell me where he was taking me for dinner the day before..apparently it was a 'surprise'! lol. But i knew where we were heading once we were in KL! Hahahaha.

Finally been there after hearing all the hype about it :P

There were a few restaurants to choose from..we settled for the Western one. The food was not bad.

Grilled salmon with garlic sauce.

For starters - Fried Squids

Mixed Grill (beef, chicken, fish) with boiled vege and mash :)

I have to say the place is quite romantic with many couples around. Haha...although there were many families too. Quite packed for a Monday night.

We adjourned to another restaurant for a better view and some drinks. Also ordered a slice of cake which I pretended it was my bday cake, sang a song and cut it :P

The cake wasn't very tasty I think I can bake better HAHA. But it's the meaning in the cake that counts right :p


I'd wanna go back to try the other restaurants and enjoy the view of course! It's a good place to hang out with friends, and of course loved ones :)

Okay I'm done updating for now, finally!

Dinner time! Tata!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Let the holidays begin!

Exams are officially over YAY!

The time I've been waiting for has come, with the dreadful period of exams and torture finally over and done with! :D :D

I couldn't be a happier kid!!


I've got some pictures from a wedding i attended @ Sheraton KL last week..i was really impressed due to the fact that it was something out of the ordinary! No regrets by taking over my dad's place HAHA!

Updates soon I promise! ;)


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Exam mania

Final exams starts tomorrow!!!


Two papers on the first day at 8am (so early, gasps!!) and another at 2pm does not sound like a good start to exams! :(

A part of me hates having two papers on one day (my hands are gonna die, so is my handwriting!) but a part of me says its better for it to be over and done with!

Can't wait till my last paper on 9th june!! Ahh!!!

I counting down the days to freedom already :D

Wish me luckkk!!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Long overdueeee

I've been MIA for awhile now i've kinda lost the urge to blog these past few weeks!

Finals in less than 2 weeks and oh boy, have i got ALOT to study :(

Anyways, my long overdue post about my Penang trip almost 3 weeks ago like finally!

Attended a relative's wedding over at E&O. Apparently, one of the highest class hotels in Penang! O.O

The ballroom was kinda small compared to the one's in KL though.

Greeted with awesome scenery at the backyard during the pre-wedding cocktail event ;)

They even set up a 'CANDY BAR'!!!! All the kids went goo-gaaaa over it, including ME! :D

Table full of sweets, what more can you ask for? ;)

Typical wedding with the same old routine...bride walks in, everyone cheers, we eat, they give speeches, cut the cake.. yada yada.. oohh but one thing i remembered clearly was they had a real good live band serenading us with music whilst eating! :D Mann those people could really sing and play good music. Accompanies the food perfectly! ;)

The starters were something out of the fried squids, papaya salad prawn and two other quite unique dishes (i can't rmb its been too long!)

And of course, shark's fin soup, MY FAV!! :D

Sweet sour prawns (the prawns were HUGE!!)


I missed taking pics of some dishes in between (it was quite odd actually taking pics in front of old people who can't wait to devour the food HAHA!) so i was abit paiseh :P

And of course, a Chinese wedding wouldn't be complete without Loh Mai Fan (Glutinous Rice!)
Its like a typical dish to serve I can't seem to figure out why.

And the wedding cake which was actually a fruit cake!

Pretty butter cookies to take home ..

I was quite bored halfway throughout the wedding hearing all the aunties talk, and my camera sucks so it couldn't entertain me much. Boo! (I WANT A NEW CAMERA FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!) Couldn't get the functions right and the pictures came out quite awful :(

Some of the slightly decent pictures :)

With granny!!

And sis! (too much flash urggh!)

The bride giving her toast!

There were so many pretty roses and I loved it so much i wanted to take them home! :D

Quite a night especially for my parents having able to meet all their old uncles and aunties and friends who they haven't met for ages. They kept telling me who that person is (trust me its hard to remember when they tell you how to call them in hokkien) and I realise i have so many relatives who i didn't even know existed =.=

I guess thats how Chinese families get so big sometimes! I'm probably related to someone in uni whom I don't even know and I won't be surprised! HAHAHA. Okay, maybe not that 'kua cheong' but you get what i mean!


Final week of class this week and I'm done for Year 2 WOOHOO! :D

But then to exams first before freedom.. sigh! Can't wait I've got so many things planned out! Eat, sleep and be merry! Hahahahhaa!

Okay I'm hyper now. Just got back from a friend's 'surprise' party and it'was so ironic how we were suprised instead of him =.=

I better sleep before I start crapping about how the night went. Gonna be internet-less for 4 days :(
But i'll be back with a bang i.e. a much much faster internet connection at 4MBps!! :D :D :D

Till then!
