Friday, April 24, 2009

A sinful indulgence.

Dearie is back from the land of the Kiasu!

Since when did he learn to become a narcissist i wonder. Tsk Tsk.

Having fastfood at 2.30 in the morning is VERY SINFUL of course.

But how can I resist? ><

Can you, can you?? :P

On another note, exams in 2 days. I just cannot wait man. Get it over and done with! ><

The smell of freedom just keeps me going. :P


My keyboard is being bitchy to me again after being nice for some time n its seriously pissing me off!!!! I'm using the freakin slow on-screen keypad which takes me ages just to type a simple sentence!


I should stop here before I throw my laptop on the floor.


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