Thursday, September 13, 2007

Goodbye, Farewell

Sigh. U know.. everyone seems to be leaving KL. Whether its for studies, play or whatever.. guess its that time of the year.

Sigh. So Sad. One by one good friends are leaving.. from a gang of 8-10 ppl, now its only left like 3. And in due time, only 2 will be left!

Sabrina's leaving on friday.

Zun Hui on saturday.

Aly on tuesday.

Eeleen on tuesday.

Eunice on the 29th.

A few others more which i can't remember the dates. Sigh.

When's it gonna be my turn?

I'm gonna miss everyone!!

So this hols.. my plan is to..

1. Catch up on studies!

2. Catch up with everyone's who's leaving. Tmr's a good start. hehe ;)

3. Study study study!

4. Bid goodbye, farewell

Its so hard to say goodbye. :( Guess life have to go on, eh?

So to everyone or anyone who's leaving to wherever u have to go, i bid you goodluck, best wishes in everything u do and do take care, and do think of me once in a while will ya? ;)

Hugs!! :D

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