Sunday, November 8, 2009

Priceless surprises

A few of us randomly decided to have a birthday surprise for a friend on friday night. With the help of her siblings and mum she got ownedd! hahaha

Boyyy, the look on her face was priceless! XD

No words can describe. I was in charge of snapping that moment but oh boy was i carried away i forgot XD so this are the only two shots i managed to get when i finally realised.

Clinching her fist in shock HAHA

She'was in her PJ's gettin ready for bed. lol.

Home-made birthday cake :)

I thought she was only turning 19. But it's actually 20 =.=

tada make a wishh

We the culprits. :P

Had a good time teasing the woman about the side of her we've never seen (boy her voice is LOUD i always thought she's ultra quiet!) and enjoying each other's company.

A good time of de-stressing for me..for like errr 3 hours. Haha.

GEEEE exam's in about 30 hours !!!! :O

I'm nervouss at the same time cannot wait for least i can get it over and done with once and for all!!! Grrr i hate waitingggg in anxietyy :S

I've got a whole long list of what I wanna do when exams are over (at least after those 3 killer papers!)

Something to look forward to :

:D :D :D

Till then..wish me luck!


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