Saturday, July 21, 2007

Its just a book!

Geeeez. What's this world coming to. EVERYBODY seems to be so hyped up about the final Harry Potter book. I mean, hello its just a friggin book. JK Rowling's rich enough! She doesn't need anymore money!! Don't u get it.. Too much publicity. I just read online.. the book like manages to sell like 15 books per second! Thats insane. People even queue up overnight just to get their hands on a copy. Seriously.. If only people were to be like that towards much more crucial things, not over a BOOK!

You might think that its not just another ordinary book.. yada yada. Perhaps i'm saying this probably becos i'm not an avid fan. haha. Whatever your reason being, I still think its not worth the time, in my opinion at least. ;) So sue me. :P

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